C++ Standard Library Extensions

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C++0x standard will expand the C++ standard library in various ways. The C++ Standardization Committee has identified 14 new sets of library functionality
almost certain to be included in the next standard for C++. (C++0x could be
as far as 2009 in the future)

Soon after these are formally included in standard C++, we shall see a slew
of (good) books published by several big names in C++ community.

* Reference Wrappers
* Smart Pointers
* Function Return Types
* Member Pointer Adapters
* Function Object Binders
* Polymorphic Function Wrappers
* Metaprogramming and Type Traits
* Random Number Generation
* Mathematical Special Functions
* Tuple Types
* Fixed Size Array
* Unordered Associative Containers (Hash Tables)
* Regular expressions
* C Compatibility

Detailed description can be found here:
SRC: Scott Meyer