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I love C++ programming language for its power and complexity!! To me, its enormity and complexity has been an incessant source of different features to understand. C++ is still evolving, therefore, I'll have new stuff to learn for quite a while. Many of the C++ features are quite exotic and thats why I am interested in them. On this blog you will find exotic C++ stuff such as core language features, idioms, patterns, C++ emerging standards etc. This is not a beginners blog. You will find here intermediate to advanced level material on C++. I also plan to put new C++ material as I learn it. You might find thoughts presented here already presented somewhere else like popular C++ books, magazines, e-zines, websites, blogs etc. This is becasue I learn from these popular sources. Site Feed URL: http://cpptruths.blogspot.com/atom.xml

I am not a guru in C++. But I put serious efforts into learning anything remotely related to C++.
More about me: http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~stambe